Ep. 14 Ayr Muir: CEO & founder at Clover Food Lab ||
Spawned from a food truck in Kendall Sq, Ayr Muir has been advancing food systems for the last decade. Now, with 12 restaurants and zero food trucks around Boston & Cambridge – Muir has his sights set on refining a process that can continue to scale without sacrificing commitment to quality. In our chat we cover supply chain integrity and transparency, Clover’s open kitchen concept where food deliveries come through the front door, the diverse values of the whole wheat berry, the experience of finding good coffee, and more innovations Clover has unearthed throughout the years.
18 months ago Ayr Muir made a commitment to his employees. National minimum wage is $7.25, and MA today is $11 pr/hr. Ayr commitment to a fair living wage of at least $15 per, and now has upped the challenge again – explaining “if it’s right for the employees, it’s worth fighting for.” Muir has monitored similar key metrics of success from day one. Now, with many lessons under his belt – these sound business decisions seem to be second nature as Ayr’s commitment to quality & flavorful ingredients, to good people and to the planet push forward each informed strategy.
Throughout the conversation Ayr offers insights to the many values of well source food from responsible and progressive agriculture. With regards to plant-based meats – and how progressive we become “is still something we’re all trying to figure out” according to Muir. You can’t fake quality with their approach. Have a listen:
*photo source: BostonGPS